16 pictures to feed your bored soul :D
well, if I don't study after this you might probably see something new on failblog.org (with the big word FAIL across a photo of 5 failed scripts)

(my favourite one!)

I'm sure you all know who M.C escher is to understand this.
If not, go search!

I'd say it'd be a better photo WITH the tall man crashing into it ;D
What a waste of ink.

Oh, i've got another one.
Racist = RACESIS. (this one's for real)

...hey I got a professional to do it!

I really do wonder how the criminal got away even with a security camera...

Why yes, isn't the moon just as big as a 10cent coin when you look into the sky??

oh the irony.


one thing I've learnt: NEVER trust those DHL advertisments.

Nice pose, buddy ;D



errrr, why can't i fit it in??

what more can I say? :D

imagine what'll happen with the flash on ;D
& before we start laughing our ass off at other people for screwing things up,

ouch? haha.
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